Sociology Talks

Bulldozer Capitalism: Accumulation, Ruination and Dispossession in Northeastern Turkey


Erdem Evren is a political and economic anthropologist living in Berlin and Istanbul. He is currently working as an adjunct instructor at the University of Bremen and the Boğaziçi University. His next research project will study how the narratives, policies and practices that develop around the demands for sustainability transform the hazelnut frontiers in Turkey and Italy.


Bulldozer Capitalism: Accumulation, Ruination and Dispossession in Northeastern Turkey


Exploring Affective Worlds

This paper will attempt to show the ways in which an approach from affect theory can shed light to social processes.  Sociology was not always blind to non-rational forms of analysis.  Recourse to tradition as the basis of action was as important to early sociologists such as Weber as was habit and emotion.  Why else would Durkheim spend so much time thinking about collective effervescence and Simmel about the blasé feeling!  My aim here will be to briefly set out the distinction between emotion and affect and how this is has been put to use in explaining social life.
